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1985 Humar LP
1988? En Tu Mismo Sentido LP
Bei dieser Band habe ich mich zuerst total vertan! Da ich eine mexikanische Pressung der LP hatte,
habe ich sie bei Mexiko eingeordnet! Aber diese Band ist aus New Jersey / USA, hatte aber 2 ex Argentinier
dabei, und spielte auch in Argentinien! Die 2 Argentinier Fabian
Giordano (gt) und Miguel Biscagli (voc), der Italo Amerikaner Walter Martini (dr), und der Koreaner
Pak Chol-Gui taten sich Anfang der 80er zusammen. Sie traten in New Jersey sogar im Latino TV "SIN" auf.
1985 kam ihre LP heraus, die ich nur als Mexiko Pressung kenne, und die vielleicht nirgends anders
herauskam!? Sie flogen aber im selben Jahr nach Argentinien und spielten dort Live, haben aber auch dort
in der alten Heimat keinen grossen Eindruck hinterlassen (und anscheinend die LP dort auch nicht
Wenn man ihr Foto auf dem Backcover ansieht, könnte man
vermuten, dass sie richtigen Metal gemacht haben! Aber leider spielten sie nur seichten Hard Rock / AOR!
Sammler die diesen Stil lieben, könnten aber Gefallen an der Scheibe finden, da sie in ihrem Genre gut
gemacht ist!
Jetzt wird die Sache noch seltsamer, da mir jemand ein Foto einer zweiten LP schickte. Diese scheint
wohl noch seltener zu sein. Der Sound soll noch softer sein, es ist auch ein Keyboarder
in der Band. Der koreanische Basser ist weg, und ein Latino bedient das Instrument. Falls jemand
einen guten Scan des Covers hat und eine Aufnahme der Musik, kann er das ja mal rüberschicken.
With this band I was first totally wrong! As I had a Mexican pressing of the LP, I thought first they are
Mexicans!! This band was from New Jersey / USA, but had 2 ex Argentinians
as members, and played also in Argentinia! The 2 Argentinians Fabian
Giordano (gt) und Miguel Biscagli (voc), the Italo American Walter Martini (dr), and the Corean
Pak Chol-Gui founded the band in the beginning of the 80s. They were in New Jersey even in the Latino TV
program "SIN". In 1985 their LP was released, which I know only as mexican pressing, and which was may be
nowhere else made!? But they flew to Argentina in the same year to play live, but this seems not to have had
much impact in the scene of their old homeland (and it seems the LP was also not released there)!
If you see the photo from the back cover, you might think they have played real Metal,
but sadly they made only weak Hard Rock / AOR! Collectors who love this kind of style could like it, as it
is good made!
Now the story gets really strange, as somebody send me a photo of a second LP.
This one seems to be even rarer. The sound is suppose to be even softer, and there is a
keyboarder in the band. The Korean bass player was not in the band anymore
and a Latino plays the Instrument. If somebody has a better scan of the covers and a recording
of the album, I would be glad to get it!
Version Espanol en construccion!
With this band I was first totally wrong! As I had a Mexican pressing of the LP, I thought first they are
Mexicans!! This band was from New Jersey / USA, but had 2 ex Argentinians
as members, and played also in Argentinia! The 2 Argentinians Fabian
Giordano (gt) und Miguel Biscagli (voc), the Italo American Walter Martini (dr), and the Corean
Pak Chol-Gui founded the band in the beginning of the 80s. They were in New Jersey even in the Latino TV
program "SIN". In 1985 their LP was released, which I know only as mexican pressing, and which was may be
nowhere else made!? But they flew to Argentina in the same year to play live, but this seems not to have had
much impact in the scene of their old homeland (and it seems the LP was also not released there)!
If you see the photo from the back cover, you might think they have played real Metal,
but sadly they made only weak Hard Rock / AOR! Collectors who love this kind of style could like it, as it
is good made!
Now the story gets really strange, as somebody send me a photo of a second LP.
This one seems to be even rarer. The sound is suppose to be even softer, and there is a
keyboarder in the band. The Korean bass player was not in the band anymore
and a Latino plays the Instrument. If somebody has a better scan of the covers and a recording
of the album, I would be glad to get it!