PUNISHER english version
version espanol

1998 Kybalion, Cassette (2004 LP)

Kybalion, cassette version   Kybalion, LP version  

Punisher PUNISHER war die Band um die Sängerin Andrea Eberon, die mit ihrem Bruder Adrian Eberon und anderen Metal Kriegern an der absoluten True Metal Front kämpften. Ihre Schlachtengesänge sind guter, rauher, traditioneller Metal, angeführt von der dunklen Stimme Andrea`s.
Die beiden hatten zuerst eine Band namens AGRESSOR, und viele Line up Wechsel. Als sie 1994 eine feste Formation bilden können, mit Pablo Sorado am Bass, und Sebastian Fafian an der Gitarre, benennen sie sich in PUNISHER um. Zusammen nehmen sie 1995 ein 4 Track Demo auf. Danach haben sie einen neuen Mann an der Gitarre: Miguel Garay. Mit ihm nehmen sie 1997 ein 2 Track Demo auf, von dem einer auch auf der "Nahuel I" Compilation landet. 1998 nehmen sie dann das volle Album "Kyballon" professionell auf. Dieses kam damals leider nur als Kassette heraus.
Sie waren Teil der Bewegung gegen die etablierte Metal Presse, die leider nicht immer mit fairen Mitteln kämpfte. Auf der sogenannten "Anti Cessar Fuentes trour" (gegen den grössten Metal Medien Vertreter Cesar Fuentes), hatten sie z.B. Banner mit SS Runen in seinem Namen und schwule Cartoons!. Die Lyrics sind natürlich alle sehr "True", und handeln von der Metal Kameradschaft, dem Kampf des Undergrounds u.s.w. Diese Bewegung unterstützt auch die kleinen Bands im Inland, und sie tourten auch in den entlegensten Ecken des Landes und bis Paraguay und Bolivien. Eine beachtliche Leistung, denn selbst grössere Acts verlassen kaum den Grossraum Buenos Aires.
Punisher Dannach geht Guray nach Brasilien und für kurze Zeit hilft Pablo Sanz aus Rawson in Patagonien aus. Gerade als es mit der Band aufwärts geht, und die Rede von einem richtigen Album ist, lösen sie sich Mitte 1999 auf! Nur Drummer Adrian hält noch zur True Metal Fahne, die anderen werden alle christlich erleuchtet, und wenden sich alle total von der Metal Szene ab (und das nach all den starken Sprüchen)!!
Im Jahre brachte das brasilianische Label "Dies Irae" in seiner "Latin Metal Classics" Serie das Album 2004 als auf 330 Stück limitierte LP Sammleredition heraus. So können sich auch Leute in anderen Ländern von ihrer Musik begeistern lassen. Die Musik ist sehr simpler, aber abwechslungsreicher traditioneller Metal im NWOBHM Stil, natürlich mit spanischen Lyrics.

PUNISHER was the band around the front woman Andrea Eberon from the extreme True Metal front. Their style was good rough traditional Metal with her dark voice. The lyrics were epic battle songs from the Metal front in Argentina.
Punisher concert flyer The siblings had first a band called AGRESSOR, which suffered many line up changes. When they build up a steady formation in 1994, with bass player Pablo Sorado and guitarist Sebastian Fafian, they changed the name into PUNISHER. Together they recorded the first 4 track demo in 1995. Later they changed the guitar player and Miguel Garay joined. Together they recorded a 2 track demo in 1997, and one of them was also released at the "Nahuel I" compilation In 1998 the full album "Kyballon" was professionally recorded. This was sadly only done as cassette. With the underground movement against the established Metal magazines they were closely related, but they sometimes fought with unfair means. For example at the so called "Anti Cessar Fuentes tour" (against the biggest Metal media man Cesar Fuentes), the had banners with SS runens in his name and homosexual cartoons!
The lyrics were of course absolutely "true", about the Metal brotherhood in the underground e.t.c. This movement supported also all the underground bands in the countryside and they toured all over Argentina and till Paraguay and Bolivia. Normally most of the bands just play around greater Buenos Aires. Later Guray went to Brazil, and for a short time Pablo Sanz from Rawson in Patagonien helped at the guitar. Just when it went better for the band, and when there was talking about a CD release, they split in 1999! Only drummer Adrian still holds the Metal flag up high, and the others became radical Christians!! This is really strange after all there efforts and strong words about the Metal brotherhood (but I still thank you for everything guys)!!
In the year 2004 the brasilian label "Dies Irae" at their "Latin Metal Classics" series, finally released the album as limitied LP edition with 330 copies. Now people in other countries can listen to their music. The style is simple, but diverse traditional Metal, like NWOBHM, and of course with spanish lyrics.
Punisher, demo 1997

Version Espanol en construccion!
PUNISHER was the band around the front woman Andrea Eberon from the extreme True Metal front. Their style was good rough traditional Metal with her dark voice. The lyrics were epic battle songs from the Metal front in Argentina.
The siblings had first a band called AGRESSOR, which suffered many line up changes. When they build up a steady formation in 1994, with bass player Pablo Sorado and guitarist Sebastian Fafian, they changed the name into PUNISHER. Together they recorded the first 4 track demo in 1995. Later they changed the guitar player and Miguel Garay joined. Together they recorded a 2 track demo in 1997, and one of them was also released at the "Nahuel I" compilation In 1998 the full album "Kyballon" was professionally recorded. This was sadly only done as cassette. With the underground movement against the established Metal magazines they were closely related, but they sometimes fought with unfair means. For example at the so called "Anti Cessar Fuentes tour" (against the biggest Metal media man Cesar Fuentes), the had banners with SS runens in his name and homosexual cartoons!
Punisher The lyrics were of course absolutely "true", about the Metal brotherhood in the underground e.t.c. This movement supported also all the underground bands in the countryside and they toured all over Argentina and till Paraguay and Bolivia. Normally most of the bands just play around greater Buenos Aires. Later Guray went to Brazil, and for a short time Pablo Sanz from Rawson in Patagonien helped at the guitar. Just when it went better for the band, and when there was talking about a CD release, they split in 1999! Only drummer Adrian still holds the Metal flag up high, and the others became radical Christians!! This is really strange after all there efforts and strong words about the Metal brotherhood (but I still thank you for everything guys)!!
In the year 2004 the brasilian label "Dies Irae" at their "Latin Metal Classics" series, finally released the album as limitied LP edition with 330 copies. Now people in other countries can listen to their music. The style is simple, but diverse traditional Metal, like NWOBHM, and of course with spanish lyrics.
Cover detail P