QUEMAR (Verbrennen / Burning) english version
version espanol

2001 Quemar CD

2002 Quemar, Demo CD

Quemar   Demo 2002  

Quemar, 2000 Die Band startete als der übriggebliebene Rest von TEMPLE, der Band des Gitarristen Walter Giardino, als Ende der 90er seine Band RATA BLANCA nicht mehr existierte. Als es aber 1999 mit RATA BLANCA weiterging löste er TEMPLE auf. 3 seiner Mannen machten als QUEMAR weiter. Sänger Norberto Rodriguez (ex VAGO), Basser Ruben Trombini und Keyboarder Pablo Catania taten sich mit Gitarren Zauberer Adrian Sobutovski zusammen (ex SAMSON und ODISEA). Noch im selben Jahr brachten sie eine 2 Track Promo CD heraus, die hochklassigen melodischen Metal enthält. Ihr Stil erinnert mehr als einmal an DEEP PURPLE zu "Perfect Stranger" Zeiten. Mittlerweile haben sie ihr erstes Album herausbringen können, welches genau den selben Qualitätslevel hält. Bei solch alten Profis hätte es kein Problem sein sollen ganz oben in der Argentinischen Metal Liga mitzuspielen! Doch es gab 2002 einen grosen Wechsel. Gitarrist Sobutovski verliess die Band, und auch der Basser Trombini ging (beide gründeten ARKANUS und benannten sich später um in SUBOTOVSKY / TROMBINI - METAL PROJECT),und auch der Drummer wechselte! Sänger Norberto übernahm den Job des Bassisten selbst. Sie gaben ein Demo heraus, auf dem sich am Stil nichts änderte. Seitdem hat man aber nichts mehr von ihnene hören können, und die Seite ist auch abgeschaltet. Vielleicht tut sich aber noch etwas, deshalb lasse ich den Link mal drinn.
Homepage: http://www.quemarnet.com.ar

The band started as the leftover rest of TEMPLE, the band of guitar player and band leader Walter Giardino when his band RATA BLANCA did not exist. But when RATA BLANCA continued again in 1999 he disbanded TEMPLE! Singer Norberto Rodriguez (ex VAGO), bass player Ruben Trombini und Keyboarder Pablo Catania joined together with another guitar wizard, Adrian Sobutovski (ex SAMSON and ODISEA)to start as QUEMAR! Already in 1999 they released a 2 track promo CD which contained high class melodic Metal. Their style reminds you of DEEP PURPLE in the "Perfect Stranger" time. In the meantime they released a full album at the same quality level. Because they are all professionals in the Argentine Rock business it should have been no problem to play soon in the upper league of the Metal scene in the country! But in 2002 were big changes, as guitarist Sobutovski and bassist Trombini left the band (both founded ARKANUS andchanged the name later into SUBOTOVSKY / TROMBINI - METAL PROJECT), and the drummer changed too. Singer Norberto took over the bass job too. The demo from 2002 is still in the same style.
Since then I did not hear from them anymore, and the page is also cut off. But I let the link here, in case something happens again.
Homepage: http://www.quemarnet.com.ar

Quemar, 2003 Version Espanol en construccion!
The band started as the leftover rest of TEMPLE, the band of guitar player and band leader Walter Giardino when his band RATA BLANCA did not exist. But when RATA BLANCA continued again in 1999 he disbanded TEMPLE! Singer Norberto Rodriguez (ex VAGO), bass player Ruben Trombini und Keyboarder Pablo Catania joined together with another guitar wizard, Adrian Sobutovski (ex SAMSON and ODISEA)to start as QUEMAR! Already in 1999 they released a 2 track promo CD which contained high class melodic Metal. Their style reminds you of DEEP PURPLE in the "Perfect Stranger" time. In the meantime they released a full album at the same quality level. Because they are all professionals in the Argentine Rock business it should have been no problem to play soon in the upper league of the Metal scene in the country! But in 2002 were big changes, as guitarist Sobutovski and bassist Trombini left the band (both founded ARKANUS andchanged the name later into SUBOTOVSKY / TROMBINI - METAL PROJECT), and the drummer changed too. Singer Norberto took over the bass job too. The demo from 2002 is still in the same style.
Since then I did not hear from them anymore, and the page is also cut off. But I let the link here, in case something happens again.