Antitese |
english version portuguese version |
1988 Antitese LP
Ganz schön unspektakulär, was diese Jungs aus Sao Paulo da abgeliefert hatten. Thrash der undurchdachtesten Sorte knüppeln sie herunter. Wahrscheinlich wollten sie genauso primitiv wirken, wie die Steinzeitmenschen auf ihrem Cover!?
It was not very special, what this guys from Sao Paulo delivered. They played Thrash in the most brainless style (may be they got influenced by the cover, and tried to be like the primitive man on that one!). Human mankind had luck, that this guys released only one record.
O que esses musicos de Sao Paulo faziam nao era nada de especial. Tocavam um Thrash do tipo mais simples (talvez se inspiraram pela capa, e tentaram tocar da forma mais primitiva possivel…). A humanidade teve a sorte de que esses caras tenham lancado apenas um disco.