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1989 Stop The Fire LP (Split with MEGAHERTZ)
1992 Time Waits For No One 7"
1993 Old Psychotic Eyes LP
1994 Incognito LP
Eine gute Band aus der Provinz Piaui im armen Nordosten haben wir hier. Sänger Ico
Almendra von der Kult Band VENUS (die mit der superseltenen LP von 1986!) gründet
die Band. Sie spielten 3 Demos vor ihrer Split LP ein. Ihr Stil darauf ist einfacher
aber guter Thrash, mit kritischen Texten. Ihre zweite LP dann enthält schon weniger Thrash Elemente,
und die dritte LP mit halber neuer
Mannschaft ist mehr in Power Metal Stil, mit einigen modernen Anklängen. Sie
erscheinen 1996 noch auf der Tribute to DORSAL CD (ais einzige normalere Band).
Dannach lösen sie sich aber auf, und einer geht in die USA. MEGAHERTZ aus der
selben Provinz machten recht guten Thrash.
This was a good band from the province Piaui in the poor Northeast. It was founded
by the singer Ica Almendra from the obscure band VENUS, which released in 1986
the rarest Metal record in Brazil. They recorded 3 demos, before the split LP.
The style on it is simple, but good Thrash with critical lyrics. The second record, contains less Thrash
elements, and the third,
with half of the band members replaced is more in the Power Metal direction, with a
few modern influences. They recorded also in 1996 a song for the "Tribute to DORSAL"
CD (as the only normal band). But after that they finally split up, and one of the
members moved to the US. The other band on the split LP, MEGAHERTZ were from the
same province, and made really good Thrash.
Esta banda vem do Piaui, na pobre regiao do Nordeste. Foi fundada pelo vocalista Ica Almendra, da obscura banda VENUS, que lancou em 1986 o album de Metal mais raro do Brasil. Eles gravaram tres demos, antes do Lp conjunto. O estilo e simples, com bom Thrash Metal e letras criticas. O segundo lancamento contem menos Thrash, e o terceiro, com metade da banda original substituida, vai mais na direcao do Power Metal, com algumas influencias modernas. Eles gravaram tambem uma faixa para o CD "Tributo ao Dorsal" (como a unica banda normal). Mas logo apos eles se separaram, e um dos membros se mudos para os Estados Unidos. A outra banda do LP conjunto, MEGAHERTZ, eram tambem da mesma regiao, e faziam um otimo Thrash.