BRAINSTORMY english version
portuguese version

1991 Pleasure And Pain LP

Pleasure And Pain  

Dies ist eine total schwer zu beschreibende Band aus Taubate in der Provinz Sao Paulo! Erstens habe ich keinerlei Infos zu ihrer Geschichte, und zweitens hatten sie einen total undefinieraren Musikstil! Ihr Sound ist nur teilweise Metal, aber da sie immer wieder auf Metal Listen auftauchen, will ich sie hier zur Warnung mit hineinnehmen! Was Gitarrist Astor Zoroaster da zusammenkomponiert hat kann man sicher als progressiv bezeichnen (er hatte wohl zu viel Brainstorm)! Er hat viel von 70er Jahre Hard Rock dabei, aber auch Metal Parts, dann kurze extreme Attacken, und dann wieder total spacige Teile mit Geigen und Posaunen!! Der Sänger ist auch sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig! Das normalste Stück ist noch die BLACK SABBATH Cover Version von "A national acrobat"! Ob es noch weitere Release von ihnen gibt weiss ish auch nicht!

This is a very hard to describe band, which came from Taubate in the province of Sao Paulo! First I have no informations about the history of them, and second they played a very strange kind of music! The sound is only partly Metal, but as it is to find regularely at Metal sales lists I put it in here so people are warned! What guitar player Astor Zoroaster composed you can call sure progressive (seems he had too much brainstorm)! He used a lot of 70s Hard Rock, but also Metal parts, then very short aggressive attacks and also some total spacy parts with violins and trumpets!! The singer had also a very strange voice! The most normal track on this LP is the BLACK SABBATH cover version of "A national acrobat"! If there were further releases, I do not know!

Esta é uma banda bem difícil de comentar! São de Taubaté, interior de São Paulo. Não tenho nenhuma informação sobre a história deles e eles tocam uma música bem estranha! O som é Metal, mas o que o guitarrista Astor Zoroaster compôs você poderia chamar de progressivo (parece que ele têm muitas idéias). Ele usa bastante do Hard Rock de 70, mas também partes Metal, depois poucos ataques agressivos e partes com violinos e trompetes! O vocalista também tem uma voz bem estranha! A faixa mais normal deste LP é o cover do Black Sabbath "A National acrobat"! Não sei se há outros lançamentos.