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1993 Astral Karma LP

Astral Karma  

Butcher 1990 Noch eine Band aus Belo Horizonte die aus dem Rahmen fällt. Sie spielen einen Mix aus Hard Rock, Metal und progressiven Sachen. Das ganze hört sich ziemlich gewöhnungsbedürftig an, und ich glaube sie werden nicht viel Fans für solche Musik gefunden haben. Schon die beiden Songs auf dem "Warfare Noise II" Sampler 1990 waren in dem Stil. Ihre LP dann hat auch noch das sinnloseste Cover aller Zeiten. Nach einem solchen Versuch auf "Cogumelo" werden sie dort schnell fallen gelassen.

This is another band from Belo Horizonte, which was different. They played a mix out of Hard Rock, Metal and progressive stuff. You really have to get used to this kind of sound, and they sure have not found much fans for this music. Already their 2 songs at the "Warfare Noise" compilation 1990 were in this style. The LP finally came out in one of the most brainless covers of all times. After a try with this kind of sound the "Cogumelo" label soon dropped them.

Outra banda de Belo Horizonte, porem distinta. Tocavam uma uma mistura de Hard Rock, Metal e Progressivo. Com certeza nao encontraram muitos fas para esse tipo de musica, uma vez que faziam um tipo de musica dificil de se acostumar. Ja as duas faixas da compilacao "Warfare Noise", de 1990, apresentavam esse estilo. O LP finalmente veio com uma das capas mais imbecis de todos os tempos. Apos a experiencia com esse tipo de som, o selo "Cogumelo" largou a banda.