DELIVER english version
portuguese version

200? The Second Death CD

200? Unreleased CD

The Second Death   Unreleased  

DELIVER sind eine christliche Thrash Band, die ursprünglich aus Florianapolis in der südlichen Provinz Santa Catarina stammen. Drummer Edi Toletti gründete die Band dort 1993. Im Jahre 1997 zog er und seine 2 Mitstreiter etwas weiter nach Norden, nach Curitiba in der Provinz Parana. Sie nahmen in den Jahren etliche Demos auf, ehe sie um 2002 ihr Album "The second death" herausbrachten. Dies enthält ganz normalen old style Thrash, der nicht sehr aufregend ist. Es erschien auch noch eine CD mit Auszügen aus ihren vielen Demos, von denen es anscheinend mindestens 6 Stück gibt! Edi hat als Nebenprojekt auch noch mit seinem Basser Elias Vasconsellos die Band FRANKENSTEIN über deren Stil ich nichts herausbekommen konnte.

DELIVER is a christian Thrash Band, which came originally from Florianapolis in the southern province Santa Catarina. Drummer Edi Toletti founded the band in 1993. In the year 1997 he moved with his 2 comrades a bit further to the north, to Curitiba in the province Parana. They recorded a lot of demos, till the album "The second death" came out around 2002. This contains normal old style Thrash, which is not too exciting made! There was another CD released with tracks from their old Demos, from which at least 6 different seem to exist! Edi has also a side project together with his bass player Elias Vasconsellos called FRANKENSTEIN, but I can not tell anything about the style of this band. Homepage:

Banda cristã de Thrash que vem de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina. O baterista Edi Toletti montou a banda em 1993. Em 1997, ele se mudou com mais 2 camaradas para Curitiba, no Paraná. Gravaram várias demos até que o álbum "The second death" fosse lançado em meados de 2002. É um Thrash bem comum, calcado no velho estilo, mas que não empolga muito. Outro CD foi lançado com faixas das antigas demos. Edi tem também um projeto paralelo com seu baixista chamado FRANKENSTEIN, mas não sei do que se trata.