DIABOLIC FORCE english version
portuguese version

2003 Old School Attack LP

Old School Attack  

DIABOLIC FORCE waren eine ganz junge neue Band, die von den alten 80er Death / Thrash Metal Tagen träumten! Sie fanden sich 2001 zusammen, wussten aber schon sehr gut wie damals VENOM; HELLHAMMER und BULLDOZER geklungen haben! Auf ihrem Album, dass als weiterer Kult Faktor erstmal nur in Vinyl erschien, mischten sie die Stile dieser Bands gekonnt zusammen! Der Sound ist original wie von damals, aber in den heutige Zeiten hätte er trotzdem etwas besser sein können, ohne den Cult zu zerstören! Sie haben sich natürlich auch noch geniale "old school" Namen zugelegt, wie Bestial Killer (drumms), Whip Striker (bass, vocals) und Poison Hell (guitar)! Das Cover erinnert auch an die erste MUTILATOR Scheibe, nur schade dass das neue "Dark Sun" Label nicht den schönen silbernen Prägedruck von damals hinbekam! Die Band scheint sich aber 2004 schon wieder aufgelöst zu haben.

DIABOLIC FORCE was a very young band, which dreamed from the old 80s Death / Thrash times! They were founed in 2001, and knew well how VENOM; HELLHAMMER and BULLDOZER sounded in the old times! On their album, which is only released in vinyl, they mix this styles well together! The recording sounds also like in the old times, but could have been a bit better, without destroying the cult factor! They have of course also "old school" names, like Bestial Killer (drumms), Whip Striker (bass, vocals) and Poison Hell (guitar)! The cover reminds me of the the first MUTILATOR album, but sadly the new "Dark Sun" label could not manufacture the great embossed silver print! Seems the band has split in 2004.

Demo 2002 DIABOLIC FORCE fué uma jovem e boa banda cujos sonhos é dos velhos tempos do Death/ Thrash! Eles estão juntos em 2001, mas sabem muito bem como VENOM, HELLHAMMER e BULLDOZER soavam nos velhos tempos! Em seu álbum, cujo foi lançado primeiro em vinil, eles misturam estes estilos muito bem. As gravações soam como nos velhos tempos, mas poderia ser um pouco melhor! Eles possuem, claro, nomes da velha escola como Bestial Killer (bateria), Whip Striker (baixo, vocal) e Poison Hell (guitarra)! A capa me lembrou o primeiro álbum do MUTILATOR. Seems the band has split in 2004.