Emerald Steel english version
portuguese version

1990 Emerald Steel LP / CD

Emerald Steel  

Emerald Steel 1987 Die Geschichte von EMERALD STEEL ist sehr interessant. Es ist eigentlich eine US Band, aber da 2 Leute aus Brasilien dabei waren, und die LP auch nur in Brasilien erschienen ist, nehmen wir sie mal einfach hier mit herein! Gitarrist Ed Peterson aus Florida gründete die Band Ende der 80er. Zwei seiner Leute kamen aus Brasilien, Sänger Wagner Geronymo, und Bassist Mauricio de Fendi. Sie spielten beide vorher in Brasilien bei MASCARA DE FERRO (2 gute Metal Songs auf dem "Metal Rock" Sampler 1985). Irgendwann in der Zwischenzeit müssen sie in die USA ausgewandert sein, und nahmen 1990 die LP auf. Dies ist eine gute melodische US Metal Scheibe. Sie haben zwar viel Keyboards dabei (gespielt von der niedlichen Shoshana), aber trotzdem genug Power und geile Gitarren. Jeder US Metal Sammler, der etwas auf sich hält sollte die LP besitzen! Die LP erschien dann nur bei "Woodstock Discos" in Brasilien, und blieb leider das einzige Album der Band. 1994 erschien eine CD Version mit 2 Bonus Tracks, die echt obskur ist! Sie ist eine richtige Pressung, wurde aber wohl nur in Miniauflage von der Band hergestellt, unter dem Fantasylabel "Sandmännchen Und Hallo Freunde Limited"!! Ed ist ein bekannter Gitarrist in Florida, und gab auch Gitarren Videos heraus, und spielte später bei der obskuren Band FACE ON MARY.

The history of this band is really interesting! You can call them an US band, but as there were 2 members from Brazil in the band, and the record only released in Brazil, we just include them here! Guitar player Ed Petersen from Florida founded the band end of the 80s. 2 of his members came from Brazil: singer Wagner Geronymo, and bass player Mauricio de Fendi. Both played before in Brazil in the band MASCARA DE FERRO (2 good Metal songs at the "Metal Rock" compilation in 1985). Sometime later they immigrated to the US, and recorded this LP in 1990. This is a good melodic Power Metal album. They used a lot of keyboards (played by the sweet Shoshana), but had a lot of Power too, and great guitars! Every collector of US Metal should have this record in his collection. The LP was only released in Brazil, by the "Woodstock label" and it was sadly the only album of the band. But in 1994 there was a CD version released which is really obscure. It is a real fabricated one, but seems to have been made for the band in a very small edition. They used as a label name "Sandmännchen Und Hallo Freunde Limited" (Sandmen and hallo friends limited)!! Ed is a known guitar player in Florida and gives classes and sells guitar videos. He later played in the strange band FACE ON MARY.

A historia dessa banda e realmente interessante. Ela pode ser considerada Americana, porem, por dois dos membros seram brasileiros, e o disco so ter sido lancado no Brasil, eu decidi inclui-la aqui. O guitarrista da Florida Ed Petersen fundou a banda no final dos anos oitenta. Dois dos integrantes vieram do Brasil: o vocalista Wagner Geronymo e o baixista Mauricio de Fendi. Ambos tocavam, ainda no Brasil, na banda MASCARA DE FERRO (duas boas faixas na compilacao "Metal Rock", de 1985). Mais tarde, em 1990, eles emigraram para os Estados Unidos e gravaram esse LP. E um bom disco de Power Metal melodico. Usavam muitos teclados (tocados pela graciosa Shoshana), mas tinham muito peso tambem, alem de otimas guitarras. Todo colecionador de Power Metal deveria ter esse disco em sua colecao. O LP foi apenas lancado no Brasil, pelo selo "Woodstock" e foi, infelizmente, o unico album da banda. Porem, em 1994, uma versao obscura em CD foi lancada. E, aparentemente, legitima, mas parece ter sido feito pela banda em uma edicao muito limitada. Usaram como nome do selo "Sandmannchen Und Hallo Freunde Limited"! Ed e um guitarrista conhecido na Florida, que da aulas e produz videos de guitarra. Mais tarde ele tocou no estranho grupo FACE ON MARY.