Garcia & Garcia |
english version portuguese version |
1991 Mr. Fire LP/CD
Die Garcia Brüder Mario (g), und Waly (key, basspedal!) aus Sao Paulo, und ihr Drummer hatten einen sehr eigenständigen Stil. Das Keyboard dominierte sehr, sie waren aber teilweise auch sehr schnell und powervoll. Waly muss mit seinem Key auf der Bühne ganz schön rumgewirbelt sein, so wie die Fotos aussehen. Die CD scheint nur in Argentinien als "Y ahora" herausgekommen zu sein, mit einem Bonusstück. Drummer Ricardo Confessi geht dannach zu ANGRA (und heute SHAMAN) und startet eine internationale Karriere.
The Garcia brothers Mario (g) and Waly (keyboard and bass pedal!) and their drummer, from Sao Paulo had a very unique style. The keyboards were very dominating, but they were also very fast and powerful! Waly seems to have been like a whirlwind on stage, like the photos on the records show. The CD version seems to exist only in Argentina, and under the name "Y ahora" with one bonus song. The drummer Ricardo Confessi later joined ANGRA (and plays today with Andre Matos in SHAMAN), and started an international career.
Os irmaos paulistas Mario(g) e Waly (teclados e pedal de baixo) Garcia, junto com seu baterista criaram um estilo bem unico. Os teclados sao muito dominantes, porem muito rapidos e poderosos. Waly parece ser como um tornado no palco, pelo que se ve nas fotos dos discos. A versao em Cd parece so ter saido na Argentina pelo titulo "Y Ahora" com uma musica extra. O baterista Ricardo Confessori se juntou mais tarde ao ANGRA (e hoje toca com Andre Matos no SHAMAN), tendo iniciado uma carreira internacional.