Gladiator |
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1992 Dreadful Dreams LP
Aus dem tiefsten Süden Brasiliens, Porto Alegre, kommen diese 5 Thrasher. Sie gehen seit 1987 ziemlich heftig zur Sache, musikalisch und textlich, bleiben aber im Thrash Rahmen, mit ziemlich "tiefergelegter" Stimme. Sie wagen sich sogar "Sunshine of my Love" auf Thrash zu bringen! Die Platte kam auch auf dem "Whiplash" Label heraus, als dieses dicht machte, und ist deshalb nicht oft zu finden.
This Thrashers came from the far south, from Porto Alegre. They were together since 1987 and played quite extreme stuff, music and lyric wise, but they stayed in the Thrash genre, with a dark voice. They even dared to cover "Sunshine of my love" in Thrash! The record was released on the "Whiplash" label when it was closed, and that is why it is not easy to find.
Estes Thrashers vieram de longe, de Porto Alegre. Se juntaram em 1987 e tocavam coisa bem radical, em termos de musica e letras; porem sempre se mantendo no genero Thrash com vocais pesados. Ate mesmo se arriscaram em fazer uma versao Thrash para "Sunshine of my Love"! O disco foi lancado pelo selo Wiplash quando este ja estava acabando, e por isso nao e facil de ser encontrado.