MEGAHERTZ english version
portuguese version

1989 Technodeath LP (Split with AVALON)

1991 Rehearsal Tapes 7"

2001 Greatest Hits CD

2002 Pyramidal Power CD

   Rehearsal Tapes   Greatest Hits   Pyramidal Power  

Megahertz around 1993 Dies ist eine Band aus Teresina in der Provinz Piaui die schon 1985 gegründet wurde. Thrash im alten Bay Area Stil war ihr Ding. Die Klasse der meisten Bands aus der Gegend erreichten sie nie, waren aber auch nicht schlecht! Sie schafften es nie ein volles Album zu veröffentlichen. Zuerst konnten sie mit auf eine Split LP mit AVALON, und später kam noch eine Single auf dem Kult Label "Whiplash", und ist rar wie alle Sachen von dieser kurzlebigen Company! Auf der Split LP hatten sie noch einen Sänger Namens "Conan", doch auf der Single ist er nicht mehr dabei, und Gitarrist Mike übernahm auch noch den Gesang! Sie hatten sehr kritische Lyrics, und selbst mit ihrem holprigen Englisch ist es noch starker Tobak, wie sie über ihr Heimatland dachten (siehe unten in der Englisch Abteilung).
Es sah dann so aus, als ob sich die Band irgendwann in den 90ern aufgelöst hätte, da keinerlei Nachrichten von ihnen zu erfahren waren! ....aber sie waren die ganze Zeit zusammen, und spielten viel Live im Norden, aber auch in Sao Paulo und anderen Gegenden! Aber in der ganzen Zeit kam nichts weiter von ihnen heraus, und es dauerte 10 Jahre, bis als nächstes ihr "Greatest Hits" Album erschien. Dies war aber auch nur ein Promo Release, und ist schwer zu finden! Ich habe sie auch nicht und kann deshalb nicht sagen, was darauf enthalten ist! Erst im Jahre 2002 brachten sie ihr erestes richtiges Album heraus! Darauf spielen sie immer noch Thrash Metal, aber mehr in die progressivere und moderne Richtung! Die Homepage Adresse funktioniert nicht, ich hoffe aber dass sie sie bald mal öffnen!

Megahertz around 1985 This is a band from Teresina in the province of Piaui in the northeast. They were founded in 1985 and played Thrash in the old Bay Area style. The class of most of this bands they did not reach, but were not bad! They could never record a full album. First came a split LP with AVALON. Later followd a single on the cult label "Whiplash", which is rare as all releases from this short living company. First they had an singer called "Conan", but when the single was recorded he was gone, and guitar player Mike took over this job too! They had very critical lyrics, and even in their raw English it is still very accusing how they thought about their native country:

Hunger misery and death
Disorder and corruption
Economy of the country is robbed
Inflation grows fast
No respect to the environment
Indiscrimate fire in forest
Sky and oceans are polluted
And polititicians just talk

That`s has soccer
That`s has carnival
That`s has AIDS
That`s has Bacchanal
It seemed like they split in the 90s, as no news of them arrived outside of Brazil, ....but they were all the time together and played a lot live in the North, and sometime in Sao Paulo or other towns. ....but there was no release for 10 years, till the "Greatest Hits" CD followed! This was only a promotional release, and it is very hard to find! I do not have it yet, and can not tell you what it contains! Finally in 2002 the first real album was released! This contains still Trash Metal, but it is more progressive and modern! The homepage adress is not available in the moment, but hope they open it sometime!

Banda de Teresina. Montaram a banda em 1985 e tocam o velho Thrash nos moldes da Bay Area. A maioria destas bandas não possuiam muita classe, mas não eram ruins. Eles nunca conseguiram lançar um álbum inteiro. Primeiro lançaram um split com o AVALON. Mais tarde um single pela gravadora cult "Whiplash", o qual é raro (como todos os outros lançamentos da gravadora). Tiveram um vocalista chamado Conan, mas quando do lançamento do single o vocalista já tinha saído e o guitarrista assumiu os vocais. Eles possuem letras bem críticas e mesmo com um inglês razoável, eles conseguem mostrar o que pensam do país:
Fome, miséria e morte
Desordem e corrupção
A economia do país é roubada
A inflação cresce rápido
Nenhum respeito pelo ambiente
Fogo indiscriminado na floresta
Céu e oceano poluídos
e os políticos falam:
Isto é o Brasil, tem futebol
Isto é o Brasil, tem carnaval
Isto é o Brasil, tem AIDS
Isto é Brasil, tem bacanal
Parece que eles se separam em 1990, já que não se ouve nenhuma notícia deles fora do Brasil, mas sempre estiveram tocando no norte, algumas vezes em SP ou outras cidades. No entanto, nenhum lançamento nesses 10 anos até o CD "Greatest Hits" surgir no mercado. Foi apenas um lançamento promocional e é bem difícil de encontrá-lo. Não o possuo ainda e não posso dizer do que se trata. Finalmente em 2002 o primeiro álbum foi lançado. Ainda contém Thrash Metal, mas é mais progressivo e moderno. O endereço na internet não está disponível até o momento, mas espero que esteja em breve!