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2002 Sound Of Destiny CD
MR. POWERFULL bietet was der Name verspricht, ...guten powervollen Metal, der simpel, aber sehr eingängig ist!
Sie sind für mich eine der besten Bands der letzten Jahre in Brasilien! Die Band wurde im Jahre 2000 in Lages
in der südlichen Provinz Santa Catarina gegründet. Die Musiker hatten vorher aber schon Erfahrungen in
diversen Bands gesammelt, und teils gemeinsam in den Bands RAZAMANAZ; INSTRUMENTAL MESSAGE und ENRAGE gespielt.
Sänger Andre Graebin hat etliche Jahre mehr Erfahrung als die anderen, sang er doch lange Zeit in der Band
ORQUIDEA NEGRA! Ich hoffe diese talentierten Jungs bekommen in der Zukunft international mehr Beachtung!
MR. POWERFULL deliver what the name promise, ....good powerfull Metal, which is simple, but very catchy! They are for me one of the best new bands of the last years in Brazil! They were founded in the year 2000 in Lages in the southeren province of Santa Catalina. The guys had already experience, and some played before together in bands like RAZAMANAZ; INSTRUMENTAL MESSAGE and ENRAGE. Singer Andre Graebin has the longest experience, as he was singer for many years in the band ORQUIDEA NEGRA! I hope this talented guys will get in the future more international recognition! Homepage:
O MR. POWERFULL traz o que o nome sugere: Metal bom e poderoso, simples, mas bem pegajoso. Eles são para mim uma das melhores bandas surgidas nos últimos anos do Brasil. Montaram a banda em 2000 em Lages, Santa Catarina. Os rapazes já tinham experiência anterior e alguns já haviam tocado em bandas como RAZAMANAZ; INSTRUMENTAL MESSAGE e ENRAGE. O vocalista André Graebin é o mais experiente, já que foi vocalista por vários anos do ORQUIDEA NEGRA. Espero que estes talentosos rapazes consigam no futuro mais reconhecimento internacional.