Diese Homepage unterstützt keine international erfolgreichen Acts! Ich habe keine Zeit für Bands zu schreiben,
über die in vielen Magazin und Homepages geschrieben wird! Selbes gilt für SOULFLY, die nun gar nichts mehr
mit Metal zu tun haben! Ein paar coole Live Fotos von 1986 musste ich aber doch hier reinhauen!
Wer immer noch nicht genug über die Band weiss,
offizielle Homepage ist:
This page does not support any international established acts! I have no time to write about bands
which are covered in many magazines and homepages!
Same with SOULFLY, which has nothing to do anymore with real Metal anyway! But some cool live photos from
1986 I had to include here!
Please look for inforamtions at the official homepage:
Esta página não apóia nenhuma banda já estabelecida!
Não tenho tempo para escrever sobre bandas que já são destaques em
muitas revistas e páginas da internet! O mesmo acontece com o
SOULFLY cuja banda não tem nada a ver com o Metal! Por favor
procure por informações no site oficiaL:
Some cool live photos from 1986 I had to include here!