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2003 T.V.lization CD

T.V.lization CD  

Diese Band gibt es schon seit 1988! Sie haben im Laufe der Jahre mehrere Demos gemacht, und es sind viele Mitglieder raus und rein in die Band (einige heuerten sogar mehrmals an)! Die Arbeit am ersten Album begannen 1995, aber nachdem einige Leute die Band verlassen, wird sie erstmal auf Eis gelegt! Es ist 3 Jahre Pause, und dann wird mit teils neuer Mannschaft weitergemacht. Ein neuer Mann ist der Keyboarder von WIZARDS. Sie nehmen die angefangenen Songs weiter auf, und arrangieren sie um, und Ende 2003 gibt es dann endlich das erste Album der Band! Sie spielen den ganz modernen melodischen Metal, der eng an ANGRA angelehnt ist.

This band exist since 1988! They recorded several demos over the years, and many members came in and out of the band (some joined several times)! The work for the first album started in 1995, but after some members left, they put the band on ice! There was a pause of 3 years, till they started again with part of new members. One of them was the keyboarder from WIZARDS. They continued the recording of the songs and at the end of 2003 the first album was finally finished! They play the modern melodic Metal style, who is influenced by ANGRA, but with an own note.

Esta banda existe desde 1988! Eles gravaram diversas demos e muitos integrantes já entraram e saíram da banda (alguns entraram diversas vezes)! O trabalho do primeiro álbum começou em 1995, mas depois que alguns integrantes saíram a banda ficou inativa. Houve uma pausa de 3 anos até que eles recomeçaram com novos integrantes. Um deles foi tecladista do WIZARDS. Eles continuaram as gravações e no final de 2003 o primeiro álbum foi, finalmente, terminado! Eles tocam um Metal melódico moderno, com influências do ANGRA, mas com personalidade própria.