TENEBRARIO english version
portuguese version

2001 Lighting Up Tenebrario CD

Demo 1997   Lighting Up Tenebrario  

TENEBRARIO sind von Sao Paulo, und sie müssen aus dem ganz tiefen Untergrund kommen! Ihre Eigenproduktions CD habe ich nie irgendwo gesehen, und sie erst Jahre später gefunden! Es ist sehr schade, dass die Scheibe keine gute Distribution hat, da sie einen richtig eigenen Stil haben! Sie benutzen Einflüsse von Power Metal and Doom, und machen einen interessanten Mix daraus! Sie sind seit 1997 zusammen (3 von ihnen spielten vorher zusammen in der Band DESMODUS ROTHUNDUS) und das Demo vom selben Jahr hatte sogar noch mehr Speed Metal dabei, und leider sind diese beiden Killer Tracks nicht auf dem Album! Aber die 10 Tracks die sie 2000 für das Album aufnahmen sind auch sehr stark! Der zweite Gitarrist aus der Anfangszeit verliess die Band, und sie machen seitdem als Trio weiter. 2 von ihnen spielen auch noch in der Band CRIMSON DAWN PROJECT!
Homepage: http://www.tenebrario.hpg.ig.com.br

TENEBRARIO are from Sao Paulo, and they must be from the very deep underground! I never saw their independent released CD anywhere offered, and only found it some years after the release. This is a shame, as the style of them is really unique! They have influences from Power Metal and Doom, and make an interesting mix out of it! They are together since 1997 (3 of them played before together in the band DESMODUS ROTHUNDUS), and the demo from the same year had even some more Speed Metal influences, which are sadly not included in the CD! But the 10 tracks of the album are very strong too! The second guitar player from the beginning left, and they continue as trio band. 2 of them play also at the same time in the band CRIMSON DAWN PROJECT!
Homepage: http://www.tenebrario.hpg.ig.com.br

TENEBRARIO é de São Paulo e eles devem ser bem underground! Nunca vi o CD independente deles anunciado em nenhum lugar e somente o encontrei anos depois do lançamento. É uma pena, pois o estilo deles é realmente único! Eles possuem influências do Power Metal ao Doom e fazem uma mistura interessante disso! Eles estão juntos desde 1997 (3 deles tocaram juntos antes na banda DESMODUS ROTHUNDUS) e a demo, do mesmo ano, tem até algumas influências de Speed Metal, as quais infelizmente não estão no CD. No entanto, as 10 faixas do álbum são bem pesadas também! O segundo guitarrista deixou a banda e agora eles seguem como um trio. Dois deles também tocam no projeto paralelo CRIMSON DAWN PROJECT!