The Family Ghost |
english version portuguese version |
1998 Verdades CD
Was für ein seltsames Gewächs! 4 Vorstadtjungs von Sao Paulo spielen primitiven Hard Rock und Metal, mit portugiesischen Texten. Ist manchmal ganz nett anzuhören, aber meist zu dilletantisch. Sie haben zwar ihren Namen beim King geklaut, aber rein gar nix damit zu tun.
This is really a strange plant! 4 guys from the suburbs of Sao Paulo play primitive Hard Rock and Metal with Portuguese lyrics. Some parts are o.k., but most of them are too dilettantic. They stole the name from the "King", but have nothing to do with him!
Esta é realmente estranha! 4 caras dos subúrbios de São Paulo tocam um Hard /Metal primitivo com letras em português. Algumas partes são o.k. mas a maioria delas são muito amadoras. Eles roubaram o nome do "King", mas não tem nada a ver com ele!