VENIN NOIR english version
portuguese version

2002 Rainy Days Of October CD

2003 In Pieces On Lunar Soil CD

Rainy Days Of October   In Pieces On Lunar Soil  

Hier haben wir die erste Band in Brasilien die in Richtung NIGHTWISH geht! Im Jahre 2001 suchte der Drummer Andre Dias jemanden der einige Stücke für ihn einsingt, und als Sängerin Larissa Frade auftauchte kommen sie gleich gut klar und wollen eine Band zusammen gründen. Den Rest der Besetzung zu finden war erstmal nicht einfach, und die Posten wechseln öfter. Sie stellen einige Songs auf ihre Webpage, und es spricht sich wohl rum, dass sie sehr gut sind, und das brasilianische "Hellion" Label gibt ihnen einen Vertrag! Ihre Alben dann sind sehr professionelle Arbeiten, im Stile von oben genannter Band mit etwas mehr klassischen und düsteren Einflüssen. Der Stil ihrer Musik müsste auch in Europa gut ankommen, aber hier sind sie noch total unbekannt!

Here we have the first band in Brazil in the direction of NIGHTWISH! In the year 2001 the drummer Andre Dias looked for somebody to sing his composed songs. When singer Larissa Frade appeared, there was a good chemistry between them and they thought about founding a band together! To find the rest of the band was not so easy, and the other jobs changed several times. They put some songs in to their web page, and the brazilian label "Hellion" got interested and signed them! Their albums are very professional works in the style of the band I noted in the beginning, with some more classical and dark influences! This should be the right stuff for the European scene, but here they are still very unknown!

Aqui nós temos a primeira banda brasileira na linha do NIGHTWISH! No ano de 2001 o baterista André Dias procurava por alguém para cantar suas músicas. Quando a vocalista Larissa Frade apareceu, houve uma boa química entre eles e pensaram, então, em montar uma banda juntos. Para encontrar os demais integrantes, não foi muito fácil, trocando muitas vezes de formação. Eles disponibilizaram algumas músicas na página deles e a gravadora "Hellion" se interessou. Os álbuns deles são bem profissionais, seguem a linha NIGHTWISH, mas com mais influências clássicas e Dark. Este seria o material ideal para a cena européia, mas por aqui ainda são bem desconhecidos!