Zero Hora english version
portuguese version

1982 Vibracoes Sonoras 7" single

Vibracoes Sonoras  

Zero Hora 1982 ZERO HORA waren wohl eine der ersten Bands die in Brasilien Metal spieltenl! Ihre Single von 1982 hat noch 70er Einflüsse, aber sie spielen schon mit reichlich Power, und super Gitarren! Den Song der ersten Seite hat Basser Ivam Freire komponiert und eingesungen, und Gitarrist Flavio Lara machte selbes auf der B Seite! Wäre interessant mal zu erfahren was diese Jungs vorher und nachher so gemacht haben, da sie eine Menge Talent zeigen, welches diese Single zu einem Kleinod macht!

ZERO HORA seems to be one of the first bands, who played Metal in Brazil! Their single from 1982 is still influenced by the 70s, but they had already much power, and great guitars! The first side is composed and sung by bass player Ivam Freire, and guitar player Flavio Lara did the same on the B side! Would be interesting what this guys have done before and later, as they had really a lot of talent, and made this single in to a little gem!

Zero hora parece ser uma das primeiras bandas a tocar Metal no Brasil. O single de 1982 ainda era bastante influenciado pelos anos 70, mas o som deles já era poderoso e as guitarras excelentes! O lado A foi cantado e composto pelo baixista Ivam Freire, enquanto que o guitarrista Flávio Lara fez o mesmo no lado B! Seria interessante saber o que esses caras fizeram antes depois desse single, pois eles tinham muito talento e fizeram dele uma pequena pedra preciosa!