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1989 Zona Abissal LP
Aus Salvador de Bahia im Norden kam diese geile Scheibe. Es war die Band der Brüder
Alberto (bass, vocals) und Dennis Carvalho (guitar). Sie spielten darauf ein schönes Gemisch
aus gutem Euro- und US Powermetal. Es gab dann einen grossen Wechsel, und nur Alberto blieb übrig!
1993 spieten sie dann noch das Demo "Kill and die" ein, welches einfachen Thrash Metal enthält.
Kurz dannach kommt es zum Split. Ihre Scheibe ist
fast unmöglich zu finden! Aber "Dies irae" plant einen Re - release mit Bonus Tracks!
From Salvador de Bahia in the North came this great band. It was the band of the brothers Alberto (bass, vocals) and Dennis Carvalho (guitar). They played a great mix of good Euro- and US Power Metal. Later was a big change in the band and only Alberto was left. In 1993 they released the demo "Kill and die", which was more into the Thrash direction, and shortly after they split. Sadly nothing was heard about them after this, and the record is almost impossible to find. But "Dies irae" plans a re - release of the album with bonus tracks!
Essa ótima banda é de Salvador, Bahia. Esta foi a banda dos irmãos
Alberto (bass, vocals) e Dennis Carvalho (guitar). Eles tocavam uma boa mistura de Power Metal
dos EUA e Europeu. Mais tarde houve uma grande mudança na banda, mas somente Alberto saiu.
Em 1993 eles lançaram a demo "Kill and Die", que já era mais voltada pro Thrash, e logo após isso, a
banda acabou. Infelizmente nunca mais se ouviu falar da banda, e o seu único álbum é quase impossível de
encontrar, mas a Dies Irae pretende relançar-lo, e com bônus!