(MIGHTY) THOR english version
version espanol

2003 La Golgota, Demo CD

2004 El Despertar De Un Dios CD

La Golgota   El Despertar De Un Dios  

Thor 2004 THOR ist eine junge Band aus Mexico City. Gitarrist Mario Dorantes, und Drummer Andreas (der vorher in den Bands BENDICION und SISTROS spielte) gründeten sie 2001. Die anderen Mitglieder wechselten im Laufe der Zeit. Vor allem der Sänger wechselte seite dem Album Release schon zwei Mal. Der zweite Gitarrist kam 2004 neu dazu, und 2003 kam Basser Jean Claude, der vorher bei METNAL, UMBRAL und SITH gespielt hatte. Sie brachten 2003 das Demo "La Golgotha" heraus, welches schon Stücke des kommenden Albums enthielt. Die Musik ist nicht so kernig wie der Name vermuten lässt, sondern eher melodischer Power Metal mit Keyboardeinsatz. Sie mussten kurz nach dem CD Release den Namen ändern, und benutzen jetzt den namen MIGHTY THOR. Vielleicht hat der kanadische Muskelmann ja darauf gedrängt, die spanischen und argentinischen THOR existieren ja nicht mehr. Die CD ist eine Eigenproduktion, und sehr professionell gemacht, mit dickem Booklet und schönem Artwork.
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/poderdelmartillo

THOR is a young band from Mexico City. Guitar player Mario Dorantes, and drummer Andreas (who played before in the bands BENDICION and SISTROS) founded them in 2001. The other members changed over the time. Especially the singer changed since the album release already two times. The second guitarist changed in 2004, and in 2003 came bass player Jean Claude, who played before in the bands METNAL, UMBRAL and SITH. They recorded in 2003 the demo "La Golgotha", which contains already songs for the upcomong album. The music is not as powerfull, as the name promises. They play more melodic Power Metal with keyboards. Shortly after the release they had to change the name, so they use now MIGHTY THOR. May be the canadian muscle man forced them to do it!? The Spanish and Argentinian THOR do not exist anymore, so they can not be the reason. The CD is an independent production, and very professionally made with thick booklet and great artwork.
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/poderdelmartillo

Thor 2005 Version espanol en construccion!
THOR is a young band from Mexico City. Guitar player Mario Dorantes, and drummer Andreas (who played before in the bands BENDICION and SISTROS) founded them in 2001. The other members changed over the time. Especially the singer changed since the album release already two times. The second guitarist changed in 2004, and in 2003 came bass player Jean, who played before in the bands METNAL, UMBRAL and SITH. They recorded in 2003 the demo "La Golgotha", which contains already songs for the upcomong album. The music is not as powerfull, as the name promises. They play more melodic Power Metal with keyboards. Shortly after the release they had to change the name, so they use now MIGHTY THOR. May be the canadian muscle man forced them to do it!? The Spanish and Argentinian THOR do not exist anymore, so they can not be the reason. Thor concert 2004 at the famous Chopo market