VORTICE (Wirbel / Vortex) english version
version espanol

2004 Vortice, Demo CD

2004 En Vivo, Live Demo CD

Vortice -> CLICK FOR ENLARGEMENT!   En Vivo  

Guitar player Gustavo Maese VORTICE ist die beste Metal Band im ganzen Süden von Argentinien!! Sie sind von Caleta Olivia in der Provinz Santa Cruz, eine Stadt die vom Öl lebt. Gitarrist Gustavo Maese und Drummer Javier Gordillo hatten vorher die Band ESCAPE LIBRE, welche ein super Metal Demo machte. 2003 gründeten sie VORTICE, zusammen mit dem Sänger Aníbal Soto. Der Bassist wechselte mehrmals. Ihr Demo 2004 haute mich um! Sie sind eine der wenigen Bands in Argentinien, die den typischen 80er US Metal Stil spielen!. Gustavo ist ein grossartiger Gitarrist, und Sänger Anibal kann auch die hohen Schreie, hat aber normal eine rauhe Stimme. Das Cover Artwork ist echt super! Ihr Krieger steht mitten im Auge des Wirbelsturms (Vortice / Vortex), und unter ihm ist die Stadt Caleta Olivia. Vorne sieht man das Maskottchen der Stadt, ein riesiges Monument eines Ölarbeiters! Sie erzählen in ihrem Song "Oro Negro" (schwarzes Gold) auch über die ökonomischen und Ökologischen Probleme der Ölindustrie. Sie leben ja auch mitten im grössten Ölfeld Argentiniens!
Neuigkeiten über die Klasse der Band verbreiteten sich bis Buenos Aires, und es scheint, dass "Hurling Metal Records" ihr erstes Album herausbringen will! Ich drücke den Jungs die Daumen dafür! Aguante Metal Patagonico, aguante VORTICE (Vorwärts Patagonian Metal)!!
Leider mussten die Jungs aber erstmal ihren Namen ändern, da es noch eine Band VORTICE in Argentinien gibt. Die Jungs haben jetzt den Namen in SINDROME geändert.
Homepage: http://

Escape Libre Demo VORTICE is the best Metal band in the whole South of Argentina!! They are from Caleta Olivia in the province of Santa Cruz, a town that lives from Oil. Guitar player Gustavo Maese and drummer Javier Gordillo had before the band ESCAPE LIBRE, which made a great Metal demo. In 2003 he founded VORTICE together with the singer Aníbal Soto. The bass player changed several times. Their demo in 2004 blew me away! They are one of the only bands in Argentina which plays the great 80s US Metal style. Gustavo is a great guitar player, and singer Anibal can do also the high screams, but regular he has a more raw voice. I love also the cover of their demo, with the Vortex warrior in the eye of the storm over the town Caleta Olivia. In the front is the mascot of the town, a huge monument of an oil worker. They have one song about "Oro Negro" (black gold) about the problems in the oil industry of the country. They live in the middle of the biggest oil area of Argentina, with all its conomic and ecological problems!
News about the class of the band spreaded till Buenos Aires, and seems "Hurling Metal Records" will release their first album! I wish the guys all the best!! Aguante Metal Patagonico - aguante VORTICE (Forward Patagonian Metal)!!
But first they had to change the name, as there is another band VORTICE around in Argentina. They call themselves now SINDROME.
Homepage: http://

Singer Aníbal Soto Version Espanol en construccion!
VORTICE is the best Metal band in the whole South of Argentina!! They are from Caleta Olivia in the province of Santa Cruz, a town that lives from Oil. Guitar player Gustavo Maese and drummer Javier Gordillo had before the band ESCAPE LIBRE, which made a great Metal demo. In 2003 he founded VORTICE together with the singer Aníbal Soto. The bass player changed several times. Their demo in 2004 blew me away! They are one of the only bands in Argentina which plays the great 80s US Metal style. Gustavo is a great guitar player, and singer Anibal can do also the high screams, but regular he has a more raw voice. I love also the cover of their demo, with the Vortex warrior in the eye of the storm over the town Caleta Olivia. In the front is the mascot of the town, a huge monument of an oil worker. They have one song about "Oro Negro" (black gold) about the problems in the oil industry of the country. They live in the middle of the biggest oil area of Argentina, with all its conomic and ecological problems!
News about the class of the band spreaded till Buenos Aires, and seems "Hurling Metal Records" will release their first album! I wish the guys all the best!! Aguante Metal Patagonico - aguante VORTICE (Forward Patagonian Metal)!!
Biografia oficial de la banda!
La banda se formó en febrero de 2003, después de que los integrantes, Gustavo Maese (Guitarra) y Javier Gordillo (Batería), habrían pasado por diferentes bandas, hasta encontrarse con Aníbal Soto (voz) en una banda que se orientaba a un estilo más clásico. Luego de la ruptura de esa formación, decidieron formar "VORTICE". Con el tiempo por diversos problemas tuvieron que cambiar de bajistas en varias oportunidades. Pasa a ocupar el puesto Jaime Marcial, manteniendo el mismo tipo de música, potente y agresiva, sin encasillarse en uno en particular, y preservando las influencias musicales de cada integrante. Desde un principio, la banda tuvo la oportunidad de demostrar su música por varias localidades del sur argentino, logrando en cuatro ocasiones ser teloneros de "HORCAS". Tratando así de llevar su propuesta musical a todos los lugares posibles.
Fueron cambiar ahora su nombre en SINDROME, porque existe otra banda VORTICE en el norte.
Homepage: http://

Vortice 2004 The author and guitarist Gustavo (right) in bands rehearsal room, with backdrops of VORTICE and ESCAPE LIBRE (above)